SUU to Everywhere

When the marketing department asked us to build a site for their newest campaign, "SUU to Everywhere," I implemented the CMS page types and the CSS for the site's design.

{{< figure src="/images/everywhere-thumb.png" link="/images/everywhere.png" caption="SUU to Everywhere front page">}}

At the time, our site didn't really have anything like this. A coworker and I planned a way for the new code to be reusable in other areas (specifically the university news). We made structured page types for the stories so Marketing could easily create and edit the stories. We used Masonry to keep the lower section of images flexible and visually interesting, and I used flexbox to ensure the top three images would be responsive regardless of aspect ratios.

{{< figure src="/images/everywhere-editing.png" link="/images/everywhere-editing.png" caption="WYSIWYG interface for editing a story in the CMS" >}}

Mountain peaks at sunset